Wednesday 11 May 2016

Amazingly Abled Animals

Often in our lives we come across animals that fascinate us in one way or the other. These animal in the course of evolution have developed themselves in ways that seem out of the world and really appeal to the human eye. Many of these are common animals that we see now and then. Listing three of them here.

Owls  are famous as solitary nocturnal birds with bright, glimmering eyes but little do people know of the special traits of this bird-
One of the great features is the special kind of facial feathers it has, that can be rearranged to hear sounds from as far as 23 metres. This helps it greatly in looking out for prey. In addition to that, owls have amazing camouflage abilities which prevent them from being preyed upon. In this way, the bird plays it smart both ways!

Walking on gravel

                Great Grey Owl

Snowy Owl

Camel is widely known as the "ship of the desert".
A Bactrian Camel
They have singularly proved themselves useful in trading and other transport through desert but how do these animals survive the sands is quite interesting-
Contrary to the popular belief, camels don't store water in their hump. The hump is the storage of fats. As the days pass by without any food or water, energy is drawn from the hump and it depletes in size. Also, concentrating the fat inside the hump reduces the insulation for rest of the body, thus enabling the animals to withstand extreme temperatures. Furthermore, these animals have other special features like two rows of eyelashes for better sealing and the ability to close their nostrils which help in cases such as a sandstorm.
A camel's eyelashes
Camel with closed nostrils   


An animal of which most people share the distaste is lizard. These wall-walking animals do have some other specialities which make them stand out. There are about 3800 different species of this animal and the features differ, even the way they reproduce- some lay eggs while some give birth to offspring. The horned lizard has the ability to shoot blood from its eye as a defence mechanism. Nearly all lizards have the ability to shed away their tails deliberately, which helps them to escape a predator and also the ability to regrow them. Lizards move their tongue in and out rapidly to smell the air! This is how it gets the scent of a nearby prey.

                    Horned Lizard                                                                   A typical lizard